Welcome to Quinto Elemento

Where fun takes on another dimension.

Who are we?

Fifth Element, is the result of the illusion to make a dream come true, to turn our hobby into our profession. Our intention is to give you more alternatives and facilities, so that you can focus on what is truly important, fun.

We intend discover this great universe so vast, from the best known to the latest and most innovative. We will advise and resolve your doubts without obligation, depending on your tastes and interests.

Get in in the various worlds we offer. Use your creativity, ingenuity and imagination and make the most of your time; having fun with a great book, a comic, or sharing experiences playing with your friends and making new ones.

Thanks for trusting and betting on us. May the force be with you ...

  • Products of quality.
  • The better customer service.
  • Warranty return in 14 days.

Personalized Treatment

We evolved constantly to offer you the best for and for you. We will do everything in our power to locate what you are looking for.

Events & Demonstrations

Come to enjoy a different afternoon. Attend our events and game demos, you will have a great time. Try it, it's the best to know if you like something.

Online and physical sale

Acquire our products comfortably and enjoy our advantages at any time and place. Visit us, we will find the ideal for you.